Welcome to the page of the calculators
Quick links to Calculators Pages:
Ball charges
Ball charge analysis
Ball charge makeup
Composition for monochamber
Composition for 2 chambers
Composition for 3 chambers
Ball charge modification
Ball top size
Marked ball test
Volume load
Mono ch. mill (H/D method)
2 ch. mill
(H/D method)
3 ch. mill
(H/D method)
Mill power
2 chambers mill
3 chambers mill
Monochamber mill
Drying grinding chamber
Bond power
H & F power (Mono)
Cement mill sizing
Mill ventilation
Heat balance
Water request
Cyclone sizing
2 chambers mill
Monochamber mill
Drying capacities
Drying by Weber
Drying by balance
Coal drying by balance
Coal drying by Weber
Separator sizing
Cement cooling
RRSB curve
Tromp curve
Lagrange correction
Output vs Blaine & residue
Blaine calculator
Ball mill simulation
Separator simulation
DEM simulation
Grinding media wear rate
For monochamber mill
For 2 chambers mill
Payback, ROI and IRR
Mill's internals
Circuit modification
Mass balance
Open circuit
Filters sizing
Grinding circuit cost
Grinding plant sizing
Closed circuit 1
Closed circuit 2
Closed circuit 3
Closed circuit 4
Closed circuit 5
Closed circuit 6
Bag - reverse air
Bag - pulse air
Roller press
Vibrating screen
Bucket elevator
Belt conveyor
Screw conveyor
Rotary valve
Material inside the mill
For monochamber mill
For 2 chambers mill
All these calculators are reliable, but Users need a certain experience to implement results of these calculators . Sizing equipments and mill's optimization are the job of material suppliers and experienced engineering offices.
Mono ch. mill (visible plates)
2 ch. mill
(visible plates)
3 ch. mill
(visible plates)
Mono ch. mill (central part)
2 ch. mill
central part
3 ch. mill
central part
Bond power (2 chambers)
Bond power (3 chambers)
H & F power (2 chambers)
H & F power (3 chambers)
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Sieving in two steps
1st ch. ball charge
Cement parameters
Complete circuit
Mill false air
Grinding Aids Evaluation
Ball mill's internals simulation