The Cement Grinding Office
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Au service des ingénieurs de broyage
Les nouvelles du site
Dimensionnement circuit de broyage
Lundi, 15 Juin 2015 11:00:42 GMT
Finalement, le calculateur complet est disponible et en ligne.
Ce calculateur est très long.
Beaucoup de tests ont été réalisés avant de le mettre en ligne, mais il se peut qu'il subsiste des bugs indépendants de notre volonté et dûs à la conversion de MS Excel en page HTML interactive.
Nous nous en excusons anticipativement.
Ce calculateur sera en évolution constante.
Transporteurs à bande dans le broyage du ciment
Mercredi, 03 Juin 2015 10:49:44 GMT
Présentation sur les transporteurs à bande disponible.
Ciment: Elévateurs à godets
Mardi, 12 Mai 2015 11:29:55 GMT
Une nouvelle présentation est disponible en français et anglais sur le site web.
1. Introduction
2. Types d'élévateurs
3. Composants principaux des élévateurs
4. Eléments de dimensionnement
Merci et bonne lecture!
Nouveau look
Jeudi, 30 Apr 2015 07:21:34 GMT
J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que le site web The Cement Grinding Office a changé complètement.
Maintenant, il présente une apparence plus moderne et sera, nous l'espérons, plus agréable pour naviguer parmi les nombreuses pages qui constituent le site.
Merci de nous suivre et bonne lecture!
Grinding circuits sizing (suite)
Mardi, 31 Mar 2015 09:13:34 GMT
Aujourd'hui, le thème sur le dimensionnement des circuits de broyage est complété avec une présentation générale, ainsi que des présentations sur les aéroglissières et les transporteurs à vis.
Le calculateur "vis sans fin" a aussi été modifié.
La suite pour bientôt!
Nouvelle mise à jour du site
Mardi, 17 Mar 2015 10:19:41 GMT
De nouveaux calculateurs ont été publiés sur le site.
Ils font partie d'un ensemble nommé: " Dimensionnement des Installations de Broyage".
Aujourd'hui, les calculateurs suivants sont disponibles:
- Dimensionnement élévateurs à godets
- Dimensionnement aéroglissières
- Dimensionnement transport par vis
- Dimensionnement valve rotative
- Dimensionnement transporteur à bande (disponible ce soir)
- Eléments de dimensionnement de presse à rouleaux (disponible ce soir)
Des présentations concernant ces équipements sont encore en préparation.
Enfin, le calculateur complet sur le dimensionnement d'un circuit de broyage est actuellement en phase de test.
D'autre part, d'autres sujets et calculateurs seront traités prochainement comme:
- Coûts des installations de broyage
- Tamis vibrants
- Composants du ciment
- Adjuvants de mouture
Merci de soutenir notre site en nous proposant des missions d'audit de circuits de broyage et en achetant notre logiciel de broyage.
Nouvelle version du logiciel de broyage
Lundi, 09 Feb 2015 10:22:15 GMT
La page d'accueil du site vient de subir un profond remaniement.
D'autre part, une nouvelle version du logiciel de broyage GK est disponible.
Il contient désormais 59 calculateurs.
Enfin, nous rappelons que ce logiciel de broyage est la base d'une formation pratique et de cours sur les broyeurs à boulets.
Systèmes de pré-broyage: seconde partie
Lundi, 02 Fev 2015 09:41:15 GMT
Aujourd’hui, la seconde partie de la présentatioin consacrée aux systèmes de pré-broyage : la presse à rouleaux.
Le texte est subdivisé en divers chapitres :
2.Principe de fonctionnement
3.Explication de l'action de broyage
4.Représentation générale
5.Modes d'utilisation et types de circuits
6.Problème de l'alimentation
7.Problème de la pression sur les rouleaux
8.Paramètres d'opération
9.Problèmes d'usure des rouleaux
10.Résultats granulométriques de la presse
11.Eléments de calcul pour le dimensionnement
12.Dimensions principales des presses à rouleaux
13.Déterminer l'augmentation de production
14.Comparaison des situations avant – après
15.Modification au niveau du broyeur à boulets
16.Avantages de la presse à rouleaux
17.Désavantages de la presse à rouleaux
Un petit calculateur suivra bientôt.
Bonne lecture !
Systèmes de pré-broyage
Mardi, 20 Jan 2015 08:56:44 GMT
J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer une nouvelle présentation sur mon site web: Systèmes de pré-broyage.
Aujourd'hui, la première partie concernant les concasseurs à axe vertical (VSI) est en ligne.
Très bientôt, la seconde partie (Presses à rouleaux) sera disponible.
Merci et Bonne lecture!
Installations de broyage - Optimisation des coûts d'énergie
Lundi, 05 Jan 2015 09:18:39 GMT
Pour commencer cette nouvelle année 2015, j'ai le plaisir de partager avec vous un petit calculateur sous Excel.
Il s'appelle "Optimisation des coûts d'énergie des installations de broyage".
Il est téléchargeable gratuitement en version anglaise et française.
Et encore une fois, je vous souhaite une bonne année 2015!
Systèmes de contrôle des installations de broyage
Lundi, 22 Dec 2014 08:39:21 GMT
Une nouvelle présentation est disponible sur le site web.
Celle-ci s'intitule: Systèmes de contrôle des installations de broyage.
On y parle des principaux types de régulation: ON-OFF, PID, Logique Floue et systèmes experts.
Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture ainsi que d'heureuses fêtes.
Filtres - deuxième partie
Mercredi, 26 Nov 2014 11:47:32 GMT
Comme promis la semaine dernière, la deuxième partie de cette présentation, sur les filtres à manches, est disponible.
Il y a aussi deux calculateurs (filtres à air inversé et à jet d'impulsion).
Autre sujet, le recalcul de résultats d'échantillons par le multiplicateur de Lagrange est également en ligne après révision.
Comme d'habitude, ces documents et les calculatrices sont en anglais et en français.
Lundi, 17 Nov 2014 08:58:05 GMT
J'ai le plaisir de partager avec vous une nouvelle présentation: Les filtres dans les installations de broyage.
Nous parlerons des électrofiltres et des filtres à manches.
Des calculateurs donnant des éléments de dimensionnement sont également en ligne.
Aujourd'hui, le première partie: les filtres électrostatiques.
Bonne lecture!
Bilan Matières
Lundi, 20 Oct 2014 10:31:30 GMT
J'ai le plaisir de partager avec vous une nouvelle présentation ainsi que des calculateurs sur le bilan matières des circuits de broyage.
En plus de la présentation, 6 calculateurs sont disponibles en français et anglais.
Merci pour votre intérêt.
Améliorant le rendement des installations de broyage
Jeudi, 18 Sep 2014 10:48:27 GMT
Une nouvelle présentation est disponible.
Celle-ci est en fait la retranscription exacte d’une conférence tenue à Moscou en Novembre 2013.
Le document présente une liste de solutions pour améliorer le rendement d’une installation de broyage de cimenterie et quantifie ces améliorations.
Cette présentation s’intitule : « Différents moyens pour avoir un circuit de broyage efficace ».
Website French version - Version française du site
Tuesday, 08 Jul 2014 17:05:50 GMT
Today, we have the pleasure to publish a french version of The Cement Grinding Office website.
Other pages are also being edited and will be available shortly.
Aujourd’hui, j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que la version française du site The Cement Grinding Office est disponible.
Quelques pages sont encore en cours de reformulation.
Certains liens comme les exemples, infographies et tests sont restés en anglais.
Marc Piccinin
Filling degree
Saturday, 07 Jun 2014 12:23:26 GMT
Calculators of the measurements of the filling degrees have been modified.
Central part measurement method changed.
French version - Version française
Tuesday, 03 Jun 2014 08:59:39 GMT
Bientôt, le site sera disponible en français
Soon, the site will be available in French
Website new lifting
Thursday, 27 Mar 2014 10:15:27 GMT
The "Cement Grinding Office" website has just undergone its first major lifting since its introduction two years ago.
A Mining part (coming from The Mining Grinding Office website) has been integrated.
We have also the pleasure to present you our services:
Grinding Circuit and Mill's Audits
Ball Mill Circuits Optimizations
Training Courses
We hope you will enjoy these modifications.
Thank you very much.
Marc Piccinin
Different Types of Ball Mills
Monday, 17 Mar 2014 10:39:15 GMT
This presentation briefly describes the different types of mills in wet and dry processes.
Comminution and Laws of Comminution
Tuesday, 04 Mar 2014 16:09:56 GMT
A short definition of the Comminution and the presentation of the three Laws of Comminution.
Ball Charge Sampling and Marked-Ball Test
Tuesday, 14 Jan 2014 15:24:57 GMT
This paper explains how to carry out a ball charge sampling inside a cement mill and how to perform a marked-ball test.
A Marked Ball Test Calculator is also available with two tables to fill during the test, with results.
Tuesday, 19 Nov 2013 08:05:09 GMT
26–28 November, 2013, Moscow, Expocentre
The Cement Grinding Office will participate to this event!
Grinding Software
Tuesday, 12 Nov 2013 17:06:04 GMT
A new version (2.0.1) of these programs is now available.
A total of 80 calculators and presentations can be found in the Grinding Kit Software.
These softwares are in the Shopping Area:
Tromp Curve Simulation
Wednesday, 23 Oct 2013 12:44:43 GMT
This calculator simulates the behaviour of a dynamic separator for a cement of more or less 3000 Blaine until 3800 Blaine.
Finer is the cement and higher is the circulating load.
Obviously, it's normal.
The simulation was performed for the three generations of separators.
For a constant separator feed, it gives the fines, tails, circulation factor (ratio feed/fines), the average efficiency,
the cut size (D50), the imperfection factor and the by-pass.
The graph, as I already mentioned, is very limited in this interactive html page, because logarithmic scales are
impossible to do with the converter.
I hope to improve this part of the calculator in the future.
This simulation will be the last modification of the website before December because The Cement Grinding Office is moving to Italy this week.
Material inside the mill and retention time
Monday, 14 Oct 2013 14:17:14 GMT
This paper explains how to calculate the quantity of material inside a ball mill and how to realize a mill retention test with a tracer.
There are also two calculators to know the material quantity inside a monochamber and a 2 chambers mill.
These calculators are located in the page of the volume load calculators.
Blaine Fineness
Sunday, 06 Oct 2013 16:15:19 GMT
Cement fineness is expressed either in terms of Particle Size Distribution (PSD) with residues (or passing) on reference sieves or by its specific surface area in Blaine.
In this presentation, we will develop the Blaine method which is the most widely used in the world of cement.
A calculator is also available.
Ball Mill Simulation
Sunday, 29 Sep 2013 13:44:14 GMT
A new calculator which simulates the behaviour inside the mill.
The User has to enter percentages of passing cumulated of fresh feed, tails, separator feed and fines.
An horizontal slider allows to have an idea of the mill's efficiency and the separator feed distribution after the simulation.
Depending of the browser, the slider seems to be "hard" to move but it is working.
This calculator-simulation is only a prototype.
More elaborate versions will be on site in function of our availability.
Thank you and Enjoy!
Coal Grinding technology Part 4
Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 15:19:18 GMT
This fourth and final part of the presentation summarizes the drying capacities required for a coal airswept mill with three graphs.
An other calculator for determining the drying needs is also available.
This update ends the presentation.
Coal drying calculator
Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 17:55:47 GMT
This calculator allows to determine the temperature of gas and the gas flow necessary to dry the coal inside an airswept mill.
Mill Heat balance is used (Other methods also exist).
As other previous calculators, it is only a good start to evaluate the drying conditions.
For dimensioning drying equipments, a deep study of the local conditions must be carry out with specialized engineering offices.
Cement Mill Heat Balance Explanation
Thursday, 05 Sep 2013 14:52:22 GMT
This presentation has been updated
Coal Grinding Technology
Tuesday, 03 Sep 2013 19:32:42 GMT
I have the plaisure to share with you a presentation about coal grinding.
The paper is divided in 3 parts with the following chapters:
1. Introduction
2. Types of coals
3. Coal properties
4. Petcoke
5. Reasons for grinding coal
6. Ball mills
7. Vertical Roller mills (VRM)
8. Comparison Ball mills versus Vertical mills for coal grinding
9. Drying problems
10. Fineness of the dust coal
11. Safety considerations
12. Dust collectors
Grinding Media Wear Rate Calculators
Sunday, 25 Aug 2013 11:55:50 GMT
As promised last sunday, please find 2 wear rate calculators, for monochambers mills and
2 chambers mills.
Mill's Internals 4th Part - Grinding Media
Sunday, 18 Aug 2013 12:31:04 GMT
The grinding media is a very important factor of the mills internals, not only on a mill's efficiency point of view but also on a wear point of view.
The presentation is composed of the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Composition of the ball charges
- Ball charges quality
- Wear rate
- Wear rate calculation
- Cylpebs
A wear rate calculator will be available next sunday.
Mill's Internals: third part - The Diaphragms
Sunday, 11 Aug 2013 08:55:17 GMT
Diaphragms are mechanical assemblies made to separate the various compartments of a ball mill.
We can divide diaphragms in four groups:
- Transfer diaphragms
- Intermediate diaphragms
- Central discharge diaphragms
- Outlet diaphragms
See the complete document in
Mills Internals second part
Sunday, 04 Aug 2013 11:30:07 GMT
Mills Internals paper: Today, the linings of the finishing compartments.
Mills Internals
Sunday, 28 Jul 2013 12:52:58 GMT
The internals of a ball mill can be divided in 4 groups:
- Head liners
- Shell linings
- Diaphragms
- Grinding media
This article will review each group and especially those who have a direct impact on the grinding efficiency.
Today, the Feed Head Liners and the 1st Chamber Linings.
Grinding Software
Thursday, 25 Jul 2013 14:19:45 GMT
Prices of these softwares changed.
RRSB calculator modification
Friday, 28 Jun 2013 11:52:07 GMT
The calculator allows now to know the slope of the particle size distribution and the correlation.
The formula used is from the simple linear regression.
See explanation on the following pages:
Cement area:
Mining area:
The modification is for both websites:
Cement area:
Mining area:
Mill Circuit Modification: IRR and Payback
Tuesday, 18 Jun 2013 11:36:01 GMT
After the calculator regarding the mill's internals modification (ROI and payback), please find a calculator concerning the mill circuit modification (pre-grinding system, separator and others).
The calculator gives the payback and the Internal Rate of Return of the investment.
Don't hesitate to give your comments and suggestions.
Grinding Programs
Friday, 07 Jun 2013 16:20:45 GMT
Files to download are available for Excel 1997-2003 and 2007 and later versions.
Grinding Software
Tuesday, 04 Jun 2013 10:35:27 GMT
We are working on 1997-2007 Excel version.
Some software in these older versions are already available.
Grinding Software
Friday, 31 May 2013 16:09:26 GMT
Our Grinding Software are now online.
A 10-day trial is available.
Excel 2007 or a later version is necessary to run the programs.
Grinding Programs
Sunday, 19 May 2013 11:02:33 GMT
Our software is in the finishing phase.
Final tests are being conducted to identify possible defects.
6 Programs will be available very soon:
- Grinding Kit Software
- Ball Charges Kit Software
- Sizing Kit Software
- Power and Volume Load Kit Software
- Balance and Drying Kit Software
- Tromp RRSB Kit Software
You can see the detailed content of these programs in our shopping page.
Composition of the ball charges (2 chambers mill)
Thursday, 16 May 2013 08:27:58 GMT
The calculator has been modified
Composition of the ball charges
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 15:40:17 GMT
A bug has been eliminated
Mill's Modification Payback and ROI
Monday, 06 May 2013 17:18:53 GMT
In the industry, the analysis of the profitability of an investment is to determine if an investment will return in relation to capital invested.
We propose a calculator to determine the profitability of the modification of the internals of a cement mill (2 chambers).
Later, a similar calculator will be available for modification of the circuit (i.e pregrinding system and/or new separator addition).
Ball Charge Make-Up
Monday, 08 Apr 2013 15:17:19 GMT
This calculator has been modified.
New Group in LinkedIn
Friday, 05 Apr 2013 14:04:51 GMT
The Cement Grinding Office is a new group in LinkedIn.
It was created for passionate of ball mills.
Welcome to discuss and share your experience!
Particle Size Distribution - Representation
Wednesday, 27 Mar 2013 20:47:36 GMT
This paper describes the methods to represent a particle size distribution. 5 methods are presented: Linear, Linear with X- log scale, Log-Normal, Gaudin-Shuhmann and Rosin-Rammler distributions. An example of linear regression is also detailed.
Composition of the ball charges - Calculators
Monday, 11 Mar 2013 11:43:19 GMT
As promised, three calculators are now available to define the ball charge distribution for
monochamber, 2 chambers and 3 chambers cement mills.
Many tests have been realized in order to eliminate errors and bugs.
However, due to the spreadsheet converter, unpredictable results are always possible.
Please send us a screenshot of the bug if you met one, to the following email address:
An important point to complete: calculators are a good beginning to study the ball charge and to compare with the existing one.
Ball charges given by the calculators should never be put into practice without a deep survey of the installation and with the support of a qualified engineering office.
Last and not least, soon a commercial an more complete version of these calculators will be available on the site.
See the page:
Modification of the Ball Charge
Monday, 18 Feb 2013 16:51:30 GMT
This calculator analyses the granulometry of the material inside the mill and proposes a modification of the ball charge in order to improve the mill efficiency.
This calculator is a good start to evaluate the grinding ball charge after mill analysis.
Results must be confirmed by a specialized engineering office.
The Cement Grinding Office accepts no responsibility in case of problems due to the misuse of the calculator.
Ball Charges Composition
Thursday, 07 Feb 2013 11:54:49 GMT
On February 8, the site celebrates its first anniversary.
To commemorate this date, The Cement Grinding Office offers a new series of calculators to determine the ball charge of cement mills.
Today, the site proposes:
- A brief presentation about the composition of the ball charges
- An infographic explaining how to use the calculator
I work very hard in order to develop the calculator, but conversion problems force me to do tests longer than expected in order to eliminate the maximum of bugs.
Thank you to follow the site and enjoy!
Ball charges for the cement ball mill
Monday, 21 Jan 2013 17:24:11 GMT
We present you today the well-known Bond formula to get the ball top size.
In a few days, the site will celebrate its first anniversary and for the occasion, we will propose a calculator to determine the ball charge for your cement ball mill.
Other Mill Power formulas presentation and calculators
Tuesday, 15 Jan 2013 11:29:13 GMT
The presentation describes two well-known ball mill power formulas. These formulas are used in the cement industry but also in the mining area:
1. the Bond power formula
2. the Hogg and Fuerstenau power formula
Calculators adapted for the cement mills are also available in the tools page.
Cement Cooling in the Separator - Explanation
Wednesday, 02 Jan 2013 15:51:19 GMT
First new of the year 2013:
A paper which explains the possibilities of cooling the cement in the separator.
High Efficiency Separators are the best for this purpose.
A calculator to get the cement temperature at separator outlet (by the separator heat balance) is also available.
Cement crossword
Monday, 24 Dec 2012 15:07:41 GMT
A small distraction for this Christmas break.
Heat balance and Production vs Blaine calculators
Friday, 21 Dec 2012 08:24:49 GMT
A bug has been eliminated and an update performed
Drying capacities explanation and calculators
Wednesday, 19 Dec 2012 18:14:50 GMT
A paper to explain the different equipments configurations for drying material like raw meal and a description of the 2 calculators used to know the drying requirements (gas quantity and temperature) in order to insure a good drying in a ball mill.
Warning: Calculators are only a good start to evaluate the existing drying conditions.
For dimensioning drying equipments, a deep study of the local conditions must be carry out by specialized engineering offices.
The Cement Grinding Office wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Technical forms
Sunday, 16 Dec 2012 21:31:10 GMT
Technical forms have been modified. After having submitted the form, a new page is opened.
Please click on "back to the top" and you are invited to send the flowsheet of the installation.
If you prefer to fill the form offline, download the file and send it us with the flowsheet to the following address:
Five forms are available: Monochamber mill, 2 chambers mill, 3 chambers mill, Birotator mill and Airswept mill.
Mill Power Calculators
Monday, 10 Dec 2012 17:07:50 GMT
The 5 calculators have been modified.
Power coefficients are now available for special cases: annular (ring) motor, slag, iron ore, alumina cement, thin lining, cylpebs, danula (retaining) rings.
Grindability and Hardness Tests
Sunday, 02 Dec 2012 15:41:51 GMT
This article is intended to present the main grindability and hardness tests used in the industry.
It is obvious that these tests are widely used in the cement industry for several reasons:
- Sizing/dimensioning of new installations
- Improvement of existing installations.
- Research and development
Volume Load (filling degree) Measurement Procedures
Sunday, 25 Nov 2012 10:43:12 GMT
Three calculators (monochamber mill, 2 compartments mill and 3 compartments mill) have been completely reformulated.
Three procedures are now available:
- H measurement method
- Number of visible plates method
- Central part measurement method
An explanation page and an infographic have also been added.
Tromp Curve Calculator
Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012 11:29:23 GMT
The calculator has been completely reformulated due to the difficulty to get some parameters.
In fact, the converter doesn't allow the use of Macro instructions and it is necessary to specify
trend lines manually to calculate D75, D50 and D25 sizes.
An infographic is also available for better understanding.
Note that this update is probably not the last one.
Cement Ball Mill Sizing
Friday, 16 Nov 2012 10:44:26 GMT
After the presentation of the method to size a cement ball mill, here are two calculators for
2 chambers and monochamber mills. Also valid for raw material.
Warning: These calculators give a rough and initial idea for sizing a cement ball mill.
To go ahead, a deeper study is necessary with ball mills suppliers.
Please advice us if you encountered bugs or anomalies.
Cement Ball Mill Sizing Explanation
Friday, 09 Nov 2012 18:12:14 GMT
This paper explains how to size a cement ball mill with the well-known Bond formula.
Efficiency correction factors are applied with the Bond equation.
The method is valid both for clinker grinding and for raw materials grinding.
This method only gives a rough and initial idea for sizing a cement ball mill.
To go ahead, a deeper study is necessary with ball mills suppliers or a specialized engineering office.
At the end of the explanation, a detailed example is proposed.
Two calculators are scheduled to be at your disposal next week after having successfully passed their final tests.
Tromp Curve Explanation
Friday, 02 Nov 2012 18:51:52 GMT
The Tromp curve explanation has been completely reformulated with infographics in order to facilitate the understanding.
Graphs and infographics are also helping.
Production vs Blaine or Residue
Tuesday, 30 Oct 2012 20:10:53 GMT
This paper gives formulas which have been developed to predict the new output of a cement or raw mill when the Blaine fineness or the residue of reference is increased or decreased.
There is also the calculator linked to this subject.
Third Generation Separators
Sunday, 14 Oct 2012 11:11:38 GMT
Third Generation Separators pages updated: a new separator has been added in the presentation. Enjoy!
Ball Mill Heat Balance Explanation
Friday, 12 Oct 2012 11:46:16 GMT
This presentation explains the importance of the heat balance of a cement ball mill and gives the full calculation methodology in order to get it.
Third Generation Separators Sizing
Tuesday, 02 Oct 2012 18:05:49 GMT
This small and simple calculator gives a first and good idea of the separator dimensions and air flow in function of the estimated production and circulating load.
Separators presentation (5th part): The 3rd Generation
Tuesday, 25 Sep 2012 16:17:18 GMT
- First generation separators page updated
- Second generation separators page updated
- Today, the third generation with the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Advantages of 3rd generation dynamic separators
- Disadvantages of 3rd generation dynamic separators
- General principle of operation
- Principle of operation for each design
- Possibilities of adjustments
- Possible causes of malfunction
- Parameters of dimensioning
- Types of circuits
- Special designs for raw mill circuits
- Types of raw meal circuits
- Example of dimensioning
- Third generation separators data sheet
Separators presentation (4th part)
Sunday, 16 Sep 2012 14:24:25 GMT
After the separators of the 1rst generation, the separators of the second generation, also called cyclones separators.
Separators presentation (third part)
Monday, 10 Sep 2012 14:01:17 GMT
Today, the separators of the first generation, also called Turbo separators.
Home Page
Sunday, 09 Sep 2012 11:37:45 GMT
Modification of the Home Page
Separators presentation (second part) + cyclone sizing calculator
Sunday, 02 Sep 2012 12:34:03 GMT
After the first part of the separators presentation (introduction + cyclones), here is the second part,
static separators and V-separators:
In the following page, a small calculator for sizing cyclones.
Use this calculatore as preliminary and rough estimation:
The third part of the separators presentation will be available soon.
Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 17:02:07 GMT
A complete presentation of the separators in the cement industry with explainations,
designs, tips, calculations and examples.
- Two families: static and dynamic.
- Static: cyclones, static grit and V-separator.
- Dynamic: first, second and third generation.
Today, the first part with a short introduction and the cyclones.
Grinding of the limestone in ball mills
Friday, 10 Aug 2012 12:03:09 GMT
The presentation has been updated.
The Mill Ventilation Measurement
Thursday, 26 Jul 2012 14:37:39 GMT
This page explains the procedure to check the ventilation of the ball mill with the Pitot-S tube.
Locations, number of points, equations are presented in detail.
Don't hesitate to send me your remarks if you think that something must be added.
The Mill Circuit Sampling Campaign Procedure
Wednesday, 18 Jul 2012 09:16:46 GMT
This presentation explains the procedure to realize a sampling campaign in the ball mill circuit.
It gives also some tips to get representative samples.
The Lagrange correction method for the separator samples
Friday, 06 Jul 2012 10:19:05 GMT
This calculator extrapolates unreliable results of a sampling campaign in realistic results.
It is based on the Lagrangian Method.
Warning: More the correlation of the samples is low and more the corrected Tromp curve
will be probably far from the reality.
If the correlation is lower than 0.9, this Lagrangian method will probably not be representative.
An example is shown on the page of the calculator.
The thermical balance of the cement mill
Tuesday, 12 Jun 2012 17:13:04 GMT
The calculation of the thermical balance of the ball mill is now proposed according 2 methods:
- The first method, we know the ventilation of the mill + the cement temperature and we want to calculate the water quantity we need to inject in order to get the temperature at mill outlet we would like to have.
- The second method, we know the ventilation inside the mill + the quantity of water injected and we calculate the temperature of the cement at mill outlet. In this calculation, the user needs to re-type the cement temperature found by the calculator in order to find the best correlation.
This procedure is necessary because the spreadsheet converter doesn't accept the SOLVER add-on.
Download Center
Wednesday, 30 May 2012 12:12:57 GMT
A download center page is now available.
Grinding of the limestone in ball mills
Tuesday, 29 May 2012 11:19:53 GMT
The presentation and the .rar document has been updated.
Mill Ventilation and Fan Size
Thursday, 24 May 2012 17:21:03 GMT
The ventilation has 3 objectives:
- to insure the cooling of the mill and the material
- to dedust the mill
- to remove the finest particles from the mill
The calculator gives the quantity of air required to vent a cement mill and sizes the fan and its motor
The analysis of the grinding charges
Friday, 18 May 2012 13:04:21 GMT
This calculator gives the surface and the average weight of a ball charge. There is also a rough estimation of the efficiency of this ball charge. Enjoy!
The study of the granulometry along the ball mill
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 19:00:39 GMT
This analysis includes three steps:
- The sampling campaign inside the mill
- The sieving of the samples in the laboratory
- The results analysis with the curve and its interpretation
The Mill Inspection Procedure
Tuesday, 01 May 2012 22:15:51 GMT
The document in .pdf format is now available.
It will be updated regularly.
The Mining Grinding Office
Friday, 20 Apr 2012 18:01:54 GMT
The Mining Grinding Technology Website.
Tonight, a new website dedicated to the grinding technology in the field of mining is born.
Go to:
The Mill Inspection Procedure
Tuesday, 17 Apr 2012 12:40:20 GMT
This document is intended to help the staff of the cement plants. It was performed for a 2 compartments cement mill. Enjoy!
Units converter
Thursday, 12 Apr 2012 22:19:23 GMT
A converter is now available (with the main units used in the grinding area).
Updated (Explanation of the Tromp curve)
Wednesday, 11 Apr 2012 08:07:06 GMT
The presentation of the document has been improved this morning. Enjoy!
Explanation of the Tromp curve
Tuesday, 10 Apr 2012 21:56:27 GMT
The Tromp curve is well known to be an excellent tool to evaluate separators of grinding circuits. In order to help people who have some difficulty to understand the Tromp curve, I prepared a document divided in three parts: theory, practical example and exercice. Hoping it will help!
Tromp curve
Sunday, 08 Apr 2012 11:14:56 GMT
A bug has been eliminated
Grinding of the limestone
Monday, 02 Apr 2012 14:40:57
The study "Grinding technology of limestone with ball mills" is now available in PDF file
Reminder for the use of the calculators
Thursday, 22 Mar 2012 14:42:45
You must use the comma (,) to mark the decimal units position and not
the dot (.)
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